
AskPhil (short for "Philately," or stamp collecting) is provided as a service to offer general answers to questions about stamp collecting. Our Resource Library is the most extensive you will find on a single website may provide answers immediately. Use the navigation bars, such as the one at the bottom of this page, to find your way about the AskPhil pages. Merely click on any of the words within a navigation bar, which has options based on where you are within AskPhil at the time. You also may click on any links, such as this one to lead you to the Q&A page or this one to the Resource Library table of contents page.

Answers to most general questions will be found by going to the Q&A page. AskPhil will continue to update questions and answers in this location. Answers will be provided by the webmaster, assisted by an occasional outside expert. Stamp collecting is a vast hobby and no one person nor group can be expected to be all-knowing.

The Collectors Club of Chicago is the sponsor of this site. We are not affiliated with any other group, club or organization. We are not seeking funds or looking for new members. This is a 100% non-commercial website.

Should you see a response that needs further explanation, or any corrections, please let the webmaster know.

Questions regarding the National Postal Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, should be submitted via its website